Friday, May 27, 2016

Chapter Fifty One

Khushi woke up with a stretch and looked down at the beautiful yet broken man beside her. Arnav was still asleep and a small smile played on his lips. It only made Khushi smile, and with a kiss on his forehead, Khushi got up and got ready for her do-nothing day.

Truth be told, Khushi felt very free today. With school now complete, she claimed today as the first day of freedom and the start of her life. No longer having to worry about grades and waking up early for classes - it was just sweet relief!

Khushi decided to not change out of Arnav's T-shirt and boxers, and headed down to the kitchen. She found Etta there, and once she turned up the radio, she twirled Etta around.

"Well someone is very happy," Etta pointed out with a grin.

"It's the affect of freedom. No more school, no more hell! Yes!"

Etta chuckled as Khushi let go of her and prepared her coffee.

While Etta finished up with breakfast, Khushi went out to the patio and gazed at the city. The sun shined brightly, reflecting off the windows of the other buildings.

It really is the start of my life. This is it. No more school, now it's time to enter the real world... not to mention pay off loans, but forget about that! Life begins right here, right now- er, tomorrow. Today's a day to catch a breather and tomorrow, the job hunting will begin. Its a good thing I got in contact and applied at some places, so I'll have to-

"There's my angel," Arnav said as he wrapped his arms around Khushi's waist.

Khushi smiled as Arnav nuzzled her below her ear.

"Did you sleep well," Khushi asked.

"I did. Did you?"

"Of course, especially with the lack of worry on waking up in time for class."

Arnav chuckled and kissed her cheek. "Come on, let me feed you."

Khushi nodded and followed Arnav inside. As the two sat down, Etta placed crepes on the table and Khushi nearly squealed from excitement. Both dug right in, Khushi going crazy with the whipped cream.

Once breakfast was over, Khushi went to the media room and turned on the flat screen. Arnav joined her sometime later, dressed up for work.

"Ugh, no," Khushi grimaced.

"Classes may be over, but business never is baby," and he bent slightly to give her a kiss.

Khushi pulled back first. "Do you have to," she pouted, toying with his tie.

"I do," he sighed with a pout.

"You know you're adorable when you pout," Khushi flirted.

Arnav cocked his eyebrow. "Is that so?"

Khushi bit her lip as she grinned. "Yes."

"Well, in that case..."

Khushi's eyes widened with delight.

" can tell me how cute it is after I come home from work."

Khushi sagged into her seat. "Wah."

Arnav chuckled and kissed the top of her head. "I love you angel."

Khushi swooned. "I love you too," she nearly whispered.

With a smile, Arnav left to work, leaving Khushi to her do-nothing day. All was well, Khushi catching up with her favorite shows, surrounding herself with munchies, courtesy of Etta of course. Khushi even got around to texting Shyam and they decided on having him come over in the afternoon. All was well, seeming as if nothing could ruin the day.

Or so Khushi thought.

After going through half a season of Game of Thrones, Khushi decided to take a quick bathroom break since she had forced herself to sit through as many episodes as she could before her bladder desperately cried. Once Khushi had relieved herself, she was on her way back to continue her binge watching, when her phone rang. When she saw who was calling, she froze, her grip loosening on her phone.

No... oh please no....

Old memories - locked-away memories - began to pour back in. Khushi tried in vain to make them go away, but they clouded her mind, images of the past playing before her.

Go away, go away, go away!

But all she could see was a blur and hear thumping, it pounding in her ears.

Oh please stop!

But it only continued and all Khushi could see in the end was bright flames and hear the sound of screaming.


Khushi dropped to the floor, on her knees, as she covered her ears and huddled her body. Etta came running in when she heard her scream and went beside Khushi.

"Khushi? Khushi are you okay?"

Khushi's phone was still ringing and Etta picked up the fallen phone off the floor and took it.

"Khushi? Khushi," Shyam shouted from the other end.

"S-she's not well, she's huddled up on the floor like a ball and she's shaking and crying and-"

"Where's Arnav?"

"He's at work-"

"Good, I'll be right there. Tell Khushi everything is okay, tell her that her brother is coming okay, tell her Shyam is on the way, everything will be alright, okay?"

"Yes, I'll tell her that."

"Okay good, I'm already on my way," and he hung up.

Etta turned her focus back onto Khushi and ran her hand on her back. "Khushi? Khushi it's okay, everything's alright, your brother is coming."


Etta helped Khushi up and led Khushi to the elevator to take her on up to the bedroom. Once she settled Khushi in, she went to get her some water. It was some time later when the front desk notified Etta of Shyam's arrival. He was sent up immediately and Etta took him up to Khushi, Shyam too worried and concerned to focus on the lavish penthouse around him.

Shyam went rushing to Khushi's side. "Khushi? Khushi, what's wrong?"

But poor Khushi was huddled up, rocking back and forth, her eyes wide and filled with horror.

Shyam placed her hand over her head. "Khushi," he said more softly, "Khushi it's me, Shyam."

Khushi finally snapped out of her trance and looked at Shyam.

"What happened Khushi? I kept calling you to let you know I was on my way, but at first it was busy and then when it would go through you wouldn't pick up! Do you have any idea how worried I got? I just got you back, I'm not losing you again so easily, why the hell didn't you pick up your phone? What happened? Why are you so scared? Why-"

"Everything is about to change."

Shyam looked at her in complete confusion. "What?"

"I'm going to lose him, everything is going to change, I'm going to lose him."

"Lose him? Lose who? Arnav? Why-?"

"I'm going to lose him, he's never going to look at me the same, I'm going to lose him."

"Khushi what on earth are you talking about? He loves you, it's very obvious. I have to admit, at first I wasn't sure about that guy, but seeing you two at dinner together, it's obvious how much he loves you, how in love he is with you. So why-"

"He's going to leave me, things have changed, he'll never see me the same way again."


"It's all over, he-"

"Khushi, enough. Arnav is not here, he has no idea about this. Now unless you don't want me to tell him anything, you need to tell me what it is that has you scared baby sis. What happened?"

"Etta... what about Etta?"


Etta entered the room. "Khushi are you okay?"

Khushi jumped up and went to her, grabbing hold of her hands. "You can't tell Arnav what you saw. You can't tell him a word of this."

"But Khushi-"

"Promise me! Promise me you won't, Etta, please," she cried.

"Okay, okay, I won't," she said as she shook her head, running her hand over Khushi's arm. "I won't tell him."

"Good, good, where's my phone?"

"Right there," Etta said, pointing at the nightstand.

"Okay good, okay, that's good, thank you."

Etta looked at Shyam and Shyam nodded at her, affirming that he'd take care of her, and Etta left. Khushi went over to her phone and turned it off, then sat back down in bed.

"Khushi, what is going on baby sis?"

Khushi covered her face and took a deep breath. "It's been so long... it took so long to forget... oh god Bhai, I'm going to lose him!"

While it warmed Shyam's heart to hear her call him Bhai, that wasn't his major concern. "Why do you think you're going to lose him?"

"I never told him, I should have told him, I should have before! Oh why didn't I-"

"Khushi, stop. Take a deep breath and slow down. You should have done what before?"

Khushi looked up at her brother, tears streaming down her face. "He doesn't know anything about that night."


  1. Superb update
    Loved it
    Well written
    Plz continue soon
    Thanks for the pm

  2. Interesting update.. what happened to Khushi suddenly and which night she is talking about? hope nothing happens like she is saying.. loved the update..

    Thanks for pm <3

  3. OH...wats the suspense now:-(

  4. interesting
    khushi was fine till she looked at her phone
    was it someone calling her who triggered her reaction
    or was it some kind of relapse
    one things for sure what ever shes hide from Arnav she thinks he will leave or she will loose him
    looking forward to past bein revealed
    thanks for pm nplz keep em comin

  5. very interesting
    what is she hiding
    but one thing is sure may whatever comes Arnav is never going to loose his Khushi

  6. Awesome update
    Vidu87 ( if )

  7. Fab update
    Curious about Khushi's past

  8. Its time for her past. Hope everything would be ok between Arshi. Nothing major that would jeopard their relationship

    Divyaarnavsr from IF

  9. what is khushi talking about
    she is so scared
    what has she hide from ASR

  10. they both are so cute...
    why is khushi so scared?
    who called her?
    which night is she talking about?
    uff so many questions... continue soon

  11. what is she afraid of? What happened?
    And thanks for updating. Never thought you would continue!

  12. Awesome update. But what is Khushi hiding from Arnav? Which night is she talking about and what had happened then? Everything was all good but the call triggered something in her. Waiting to see what scared her so much. Continue soon.

  13. I am curious. Khushi is scared of what? i thought only arnav had darkk past. this is getting interesting. update soon..

  14. Hey I'm sorry couldn't cmmnt earlier but awesome piece of writing.... What is khushi's past ??? I'm worried... Update soon.

  15. What happened to Khushi, about which night shes talking? Please don't seperate Arnav and Khushi...khushi stood by Arnav's side in his diffecult times to overcome his past, so mow it's Arnav's turn. Hope Khushi tell Arnav soon...

  16. What happened to Khushi, about which night shes talking? Please don't seperate Arnav and Khushi...khushi stood by Arnav's side in his diffecult times to overcome his past, so mow it's Arnav's turn. Hope Khushi tell Arnav soon...

  17. oh god cant wait to read further.. what happened to khushi, what happened that night... update soon!! Read the whole story in one go just now...superb writing!!
