Friday, October 2, 2015

Chapter Forty Eight

It was around eight when Khushi woke up from her nap. She saw Arnav asleep below her, so she carefully got up and washed up. She made her way downstairs, went out to the terrace to gaze at the bright city around her, and went into thought.

Everything I had ever wished for in life has never happened exactly the way I wanted it. Is that a good thing or is that a bad thing?

I'm in love and I'm happy, all past mishaps aside, but....

She looked down at where she was standing and at the penthouse behind her.

I have done nothing but fallen in love with someone, and have gotten here. What happened to all those plans I had?

She looked back at the city.

Here I am, standing in another person's hard work and achievements, and I'm doing nothing for myself.


Khushi looked up and found Arnav coming towards her. He kissed her on her cheeks and held her from behind.

"What's wrong angel; I see you're upset."

Khushi sighed and held onto his hands, leaning back onto him. "I haven't done anything in life."

"Angel, your life is just starting-"

"I know but.... Years ago, back when I was in high school, I had set goals for myself. I had planned that when I got into my second year of college, I'd look for internships that would help me for my future career. I thought that by the end of college, I'd already have a job and have no problems. I'd be living on my own, guiding my life the way I wanted it - I'd have my own home and someday move to Dumbo with a nice view of the Hudson. I hoped to achieve so many things, but I'm nowhere near it.

"When Rose was here, going through all the plans, it made me realize that I have come nowhere near to what I had hoped for. But you managed to do so much! For a moment, I became really jealous. You've worked so hard and have gotten yourself to such a good position in life, while I'm just sitting around in all your achievements. ...This isn't what I wanted for myself."

Arnav held her tighter. "I'm sorry if I've distracted you-"

"No, it's not your fault Arnav, you haven't done anything wrong." She cupped his cheek and let him nuzzle her shoulder. "I was off track from the start. I was trying to manage to pay rent, take care of myself, and get my education complete. Everything went downhill when-"

Khushi immediately stopped herself. Arnav looked at her confusedly, Khushi's eyes wide.

"Everything went downhill when what happened," Arnav questioned.

Oh no, Khushi thought.

Arnav turned her so that she'd face him, but Khushi didn't meet his eyes. He cupped her face in his hands and tilted it up.

"What happened angel?"

Khushi pursed her lips and looked down.

I know all of his dark secrets and his dark past... I can't hide my past from him either. But... it's just so hard!

Khushi held his hands. "Arnav... something happened before I met you - years before we met actually... I want to tell you but... I'm just not ready yet."

Arnav didn't say anything for a moment and just looked at Khushi's expression. She wouldn't meet his eyes, looking everywhere else but at him.

"You will tell me though, right," Arnav finally said.

Khushi nodded.

"Okay. Now look at me," he said softly.

Khushi looked up at him.

"Don't ever think for a moment that you are a failure. I see the look on your face and I know that face because I used to make it. You are not a failure, do you understand? So what you didn't get any good internships because you needed to feed and nurture yourself? So what you don't have a proper and good paying job right now? So what if you're not standing on the balcony of your loft in Dumbo? You have everything it takes to make that happen."

Khushi bit her lip to stop her tears.

"You have everything you need - everything you got on your own - to be successful. The only thing you need right now, is confidence and faith in yourself," he said, wiping away the escaped tears off her cheek. "My angel is a strong woman. She helped me, a broken man, to slowly piece myself back together. Now I want her to have faith in herself and to use her own powers, just for her. Understood?"

Khushi nodded.

"Good girl. Now come on, let's get you something to eat."

Khushi shook her head. "I'm not hungry," she said, releasing herself.

"Angel, you barely ate anything today."

"I'm fine, honest-"

"I won't hear another word. You're coming downstairs with me."


Arnav bent down and carried her over her shoulder.

"What the- Arnav!"

Arnav chuckled and spanked her. "I quite like this game."

Khushi frowned. "Oh yeah? Lets switch places and see how you like it then," she huffed, blowing her hair out of her face.

Arnav chuckled and led them back into the penthouse. "No need to carry me, angel. You've done enough."

"I'd do it forever."

Arnav paused and Khushi looked up at him. He suddenly lifted her off his shoulder and held her, wrapping her legs around his waist.

"You'd do it forever," Arnav questioned, looking her straight in the eyes.

Khushi smiled and caressed his cheek. "If I don't, who else will," she teased.

Arnav just smiled softly.

"Do you think there's anyone else in this world who understands you as clearly and as perfectly as I do," Khushi asked.

Arnav shook his head. "They would have ran away, maybe even making a trip around the world by now, ready for their second."

Khushi saw the sadness in his eyes and she cupped his face. "Well I'm not anyone else."

"Thank goodness you aren't. I don't know what I would have done if you were."

Khushi smiled and kissed him softly. "I love you Mr. Controlling," she teased.

"That I am," Arnav smiled softly. "Promise me something?"

"And what is that?"

"You'll never leave me, will you?"

Khushi just looked at him, knowing that it was his insecurities speaking right now.

"Never," Khushi promised. "It would take very strong forces to separate me from you."

"Even after everything?"

"Even after everything. You're mine Mr. Controlling, and I hope you understand that," she grinned, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Yes ma'am, I do."

"Good. Now let me sleep," she said, laying her head on his shoulders.

"Oh no you don't; first we're eating," he said, placing his fingers through her hair.

"No," Khushi whined.

"Eat - we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow."

Khushi groaned. "Oh yes, the end of hell!"

Arnav chuckled and took her downstairs. "Yes, the end of hell."

"I don't get why you didn't drop out, I mean you're all set."

"Anything can happen, angel. Anything can happen. Plus it was my mother's dream to see me graduate from college."

Arnav placed Khushi on the counter top and she looked at him.

"You're such a good son," Khushi smiled softly.

"Now I am," he smiled sadly.

"Hush, I don't want to hear that."

Arnav smiled as he prepared a plateful of spaghetti.

"Where's Etta," Khushi asked, glancing around.

"I let her off early tonight - it's date night."

"Date night? Etta's going on a date? With who?"


Khushi's eyes widened. "With Nigel? Since when were they dating?"

"About four to five years I think?"

"How come I didn't know about this?"

Arnav stood before her to hand her the plate, a fork, and a spoon. "Cause I keep you busy," he smirked.

Khushi rolled her eyes. "Honestly, how could I have been blind about this? And don't get another plate, this is way too much for me."

Arnav frowned. "Angel-"

"Please? This is honestly way too much. Come here and we'll share - I'll feed you."

Arnav moved in between Khushi's legs and held the plate. Khushi spun some spaghetti around the fork, using the spoon as the backdrop, and fed him.

"I'm surprised you're even using the spoon" Arnav said after he swallowed.

"Have you seen how properly you eat," Khushi said, cocking her eyebrow. "Why the hell does anyone need a spoon for spaghetti? Just spin the fork on the damn plate," and she rolled her eyes.

Arnav chuckled as she placed another forkful in his mouth. "Eat."

Khushi gasped mockingly. "Why Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada, are you speaking with food in your mouth? You, a prestigious businessman?"

Arnav swallowed. "Eat," he grinned.

Khushi smiled as she took a forkful in her mouth.

They continued with their small talk, teasing here and there. Once they were done, Arnav put the dish and utensils in the dishwasher.

"Do you know how to use the dishwasher," Khushi teased, wiping her mouth.

"As a matter of fact, I do," Arnav smirked, pouring them some glasses of wine.

He handed her a glass and the two clinked their glasses together.

"To the end of hell," Khushi toasted.

"To the end of hell," Arnav grinned.


"Thank fucking goodness!"

Khushi looked at herself in the mirror, wearing a white dress accessorized with a red belt, and a black commencement cap. She held her commencement gown in her hand and she took a deep breath.

Arnav chuckled and held her from behind. "You're very happy," he smiled, nuzzling her below her ear.

"That I am," Khushi smiled.

Arnav looked at her through the mirror. "My angel is graduating - I'm proud of her."

"Why thank you, Sir."

Arnav cocked his eyebrow. "Angel," he warned.

Khushi turned in his hold and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Let's celebrate together tonight - alone."

Arnav smirked devilishly and Khushi felt her core ache.

"Does my angel want me to take her right here and right now," Arnav teased.

"Fast and quick," Khushi panted.

"Angel," he mocked disapprovingly.

"What," she said innocently. "It's your idea," she pouted.

Arnav chuckled and Khushi continued to pout.

He glanced down at his Rolex. "Considering the amount of time we have... we just might be able to," he winked, looking back up at her.

Khushi bit her lip, the ache in between her thighs increasing.

"And as for tonight," he said, backing Khushi up against the wall, "it might not happen."

"Why," Khushi pouted.

"Don't forget you invited Di and and my dad," Arnav frowned.

Khushi smiled. She had planned this for a while now, giving her tickets to Aryan and Anjali. Knowing Arnav's distaste towards his steps, Khushi didn't say anything to Kaushali and Kalavati to respect Arnav.

"You're welcome," Khushi grinned.

"Think it through - knowing my Di, we'll be spending time with them till three in the morning." He picked Khushi up, wrapping her legs around his waist. "So what's it going to be," he smirked.

"Hmm," Khushi pretended to debate. "Dinner with your family... or mind-blowing, knee-trembling, unable-to-walk-for-a-week sex?"

Arnav grinned roguishly and moved his hips, Khushi gasping at the feel of his erection.

"Choose wisely," he grinned.

Khushi reached into his pocket and found an ever-present condom in his pocket. "You had intentions," Khushi stated, cocking her eyebrow.

"Always prepared," he winked.

Khushi undid his pants and loosened her hold on him so Arnav could lower his pants.

"Always prepared," Khushi confirmed, brushing her dress aside to reveal that she wasn't wearing anything underneath.

Arnav grinned and kissed her. "A start of a new beginning."

Khushi grinned and rolled the condom over his length. "To a new beginning."

Arnav pushed himself within her. "To a new beginning indeed."


  1. That was just awesome.. But I was expecting atleast a glance of Khushi's dark past, which made her practically an orphan. Please update soon.
    IF - jyothirockz

  2. Reena sungeelee awesome update post soon

  3. Reena sungeelee awesome update post soon

  4. Wait for you update for a long time :) Please update this story. Really curious about Kushi's past and how their relationship will progress :)
