Arnav drove to the CitySpire to drop Khushi off. He drove into the basement garage and called Nigel to let him know that he was here.
"Today was rather interesting," Khushi sighed.
"That's one way of putting it."
Khushi smiled. "Next time, warn me instead of kidnapping me."
Arnav chuckled. "You honestly thought I was being threatened?"
"Yes! I mean why would anyone want to kidnap a nobody like me?"
"You are not a nobody."
"Well then I'm the girlfriend of a loaded guy," Khushi frowned.
Arnav chuckled. "That's one way of putting it."
Khushi reached out and entangled her fingers in his hair. "If anything ever happened to you, or if anyone ever threatened you... the thought of it scares me."
Arnav took her hand and kissed the palm of it. "I'm completely safe angel. No more harm done to me; just the scars of before."
Khushi’s expression saddened. "Arnav," she said softly.
Nigel came into view and Arnav got out of the car. Khushi followed out and joined Arnav by his side. He handed the keys to the BMW back to Nigel.
"I hope Sir's tasks were a success," he said.
Khushi rolled her eyes. "You have no idea."
Arnav chuckled. "The Cadillac?"
"I'll bring it forward," Nigel nodded.
Arnav nodded and Nigel went to get Arnav's car.
Arnav turned to Khushi. "You're in charge of the penthouse's makeover."
Khushi's eyes widened. "I'm sorry, I think I heard wrong. It sounded like you said you wanted me in charge of redecorating the penthouse."
"Nope, you heard me correctly," he smiled.
Khushi's jaw dropped. "Me? Why me? It's your place!"
"I want your touch all over it."
That made Khushi smile, not to mention blush a bit.
"I had the penthouse redone when I first bought it to suit the type of person I was. I'm changed man now, so why not let who's influenced me, influence the place?"
Khushi shook her head. "That's sweet Arnav, it really is, but I couldn't even decide what color paint I wanted on my own walls! I had to do eenie meenie miney mo at the hardware store!"
Arnav chuckled. "You'll be fine! The designer has some plans, now you just have to okay it or say to revisit and revise."
Khushi chewed on her lower lip. "Are you sure?"
Arnav kissed her forehead. "Absolutely."
"Okay," Khushi muttered while Arnav's lips lingered on her forehead. "But if it turns out ugly, or you don't like it, you can't blame me."
Arnav only laughed and Khushi frowned.
"I'm serious! You have to be here!"
"Please? It is still your place-"
"I'd say it's our place," he winked.
Khushi blushed. "Still," she said stubbornly. "I want you here," she pouted.
Arnav cupped her cheeks. "If my angel is insisting it, then fine, I'll be there."
Khushi smiled. "Really?"
"Yes. But first I have some things to take care of at work. I'll be back in about half an hour."
"Okay, thank you," and she pecked him on his lips.
"Is that how you thank a man who's abandoning work for you," Arnav teased.
"You abandoned work when you kidnapped me," Khushi said, placing her hands at her hips.
Arnav chuckled and kissed her. Nigel came forward with the Cadillac and got out of the car. Arnav gave Khushi one more kiss on her forehead before gracefully sliding into his car.
"Half an hour," Khushi admonished.
"Half an hour angel," Arnav smiled, and he pulled away.
Khushi waved as he drove out of the garage. When the car was out of sight, she turned to Nigel with a frown.
"You were in on his plans," she stated.
For the first time, Khushi saw him redden. "While you were in the store, Mr. Raizada called and came over to switch places."
Khushi shook her head. "What a kid," she muttered.
"He's happy."
Khushi looked up at him. "You think so?"
Nigel nodded. "Very happy thanks to you," he smiled softly.
It made Khushi smile to know that she was the reason behind his smiles. She looked down at her phone and saw that she was late, so she turned to the elevators. But then she immediately turned back around and took Nigel's hat off her head and put it on his.
"I love your hat," Khushi beamed.
Again, Nigel blushed. "Er, thank you Ms. Gupta."
Khushi smiled and turned back to the elevators, put the code in, and the elevator took her up to the 73rd floor. She saw the doors opened, Etta talking to a woman.
"Khushi," Etta said when she saw her.
The woman turned and looked at Khushi. Khushi had no clue who she was and entered the apartment, shutting the doors behind her.
"Hey Etta," Khushi smiled.
"Good afternoon," Etta smiled. "This is Ms. Rose Anne Williams, the interior designer."
"Oh!" Khushi went forward and held her hand out. "I'm Khushi. Khushi Kumari Gupta."
"Pleasure to meet you Ms. Gupta," Rose smiled.
"Please, call me Khushi."
Khushi brought her in and they went to the living room.
"It's kind of overwhelming being in this room," Rose said.
Khushi scoffed lightly. "Tell me about it. I don’t think I'll ever get used to it."
Rose smiled.
"Can I get you something to drink? Some wine?"
"Anything in mind?"
"Surprise me," she smiled.
"Anything in mind?"
"Surprise me," she smiled.
Khushi excused herself and went to the kitchen. She got out a bottle of chardonnay and poured it into two flute glasses. She went back into the living room and found Rose laying out her plans on the coffee table.
"They look amazing," Khushi said as she came over and sat down, handing Rose her wine.
"Thank you," Rose smiled.
"So, shall we get started?"
"Sure! I'll start of with the bottom floor and work my way up."
The two ladies went on with their conversation. Khushi was really impressed by Rose's ideas. The way Khushi thought of it was making the penthouse more... family-oriented. It puzzled Khushi, making her wonder if Arnav planned to sell the penthouse someday. Khushi also realized how expensive all of it would be and it bothered her. Arnav had all this money and she was nowhere close with what she had.
I have to talk to Arnav about this, Khushi said in her head as she looked at the furniture Rose had in mind for the media room.
Before she even saw him, she felt him, and Khushi looked up to see Arnav entering the room.
"Hello Rose," Arnav greeted.
"Arnav, pleasure to work with you again," she smiled, shaking hands with him.
Khushi glanced at Rose, curious to see if Rose was affected by Arnav and his smile, but she seemed perfectly fine.
Arnav went to Khushi's side and kissed her. "Half hour," he whispered.
Khushi smiled softly. "Thank you."
"Anything for you angel," and he kissed the palm of her hand. He faced Rose. "So, let's see what you've got."
"We're basically going through the schematics and definitely removing the bachelor look. The living room, media room, dining room, and kitchen are settled. The spare bedrooms upstairs will be neutral, and Khushi wanted to go through the master bedroom with you."
Arnav nodded. "Sure."
"So instead of the red with the white, I'm thinking of changing it to black's, white's, and gray's. With all the windows and the lighting the room receives, it'll be perfect!"
"What about the bed," Arnav asked, looking at the plans. "It needs to be big."
Khushi slightly blushed at his request.
"Of course, just like the present one."
"Make it bigger."
Khushi's eyes widened. "Bigger?"
Arnav looked at her. "Bigger," he winked.
Khushi gaped at him. "There won't be any space left in the room!"
Rose looked at the floor plan. "Hmm... I could make it bigger... it would fit," she confirmed.
"Great," Arnav said. "Postures or no?"
"I'd suggest no, so...."
At the sound of Rose's tone, Khushi looked at her and then at Arnav.
Does she know, Khushi wondered.
Arnav continued to look at the plans. "No problem. Custom-made right?"
"Perfect. I'll have it customized myself."
"Yourself," Khushi questioned.
Arnav winked at her.
What is he, up to?
They went over the rest of the plans and were soon complete.
"So I'll just make the edits, and I'll contact you," Rose said, gathering her things.
"Of course," Arnav smiled.
Everyone stood up and Rose shook hands with Arnav and Khushi. Etta came in and Arnav had her lead her out. As soon as Etta and Rose left the room, Khushi turned to Arnav.
"Does she know," she asked.
Khushi didn't have to explain because Arnav knew what she meant.
"Yes," he replied.
"Was she...?"
Arnav shook his head. "She's a dominatrix and she's interested in women."
Khushi's eyes widened and she gulped. "Oh my gosh," she breathed.
"She's a good friend of mine. We've been friends for a couple of years."
"Does she currently have a sub?"
Arnav nodded. "But she told me she's mad at her, so she's ignoring her, the poor thing," Arnav said, shaking his head.
"Rose's current sub is at home, staring longingly out the window, waiting for her Mistress to return, but even when she does, her Mistress will completely ignore her because she defied her."
"Aww... that's actually kind of sad. Would you ever do that to me?"
Arnav sighed and caressed her cheek. "Never."
Khushi smiled softly.
"Come, let's get you something to eat."
Khushi nodded, feeling her stomach grumble. They went into the kitchen and Etta prepared some paninis for the two.
"Since the penthouse will be under construction over the summer, where will you go," Khushi asked as they sat down.
"We are going away to Madrid."
I'm not, you are. "Madrid? As in Madrid, Spain?"
Arnav nodded. "Then we're going to Dubai."
"Dubai? Just for the summer? Those are some plans you got for yourself."
Arnav frowned as Etta put the paninis down. "We're both going."
"Arnav, I can't afford that," Khushi said lightly.
Arnav gaped. "You're not paying for anything!"
Khushi tilted her head. "Arnav-"
"We're going. Done."
Khushi gaped. "Arnav, I can't go anywhere, I need to find a job over the summer. I've applied to some places and-"
"Work at AR."
Khushi frowned. "Arnav, no."
"Work at AR."
"Arnav, stop."
"Work at AR."
"No, Arnav! I want to get a job on my own."
"Arnav please? I want to make it on my own."
"Then wait till after the summer. I want you with me."
Khushi sighed. "I understand, but Arnav I have to do this. This summer. I have to make a living!"
"No you don't, you're living with me."
Khushi shook her head, deciding to debate on that another time. "I want to work."
Now Khushi was annoyed. "Arnav, I want to and I will work."
"I want you here at home with me, so no."
Khushi was now very irritated. "That's it. I'm done," and she got up and left the room.
"Angel come back here," Arnav hollered, his voice not so far behind.
But Khushi was stubborn and continued to stomp away. She was almost at the stairs, when Arnav picked her off her feet and placed her over his shoulder.
"You're not going anywhere and I won't let you."
"They look amazing," Khushi said as she came over and sat down, handing Rose her wine.
"Thank you," Rose smiled.
"So, shall we get started?"
"Sure! I'll start of with the bottom floor and work my way up."
The two ladies went on with their conversation. Khushi was really impressed by Rose's ideas. The way Khushi thought of it was making the penthouse more... family-oriented. It puzzled Khushi, making her wonder if Arnav planned to sell the penthouse someday. Khushi also realized how expensive all of it would be and it bothered her. Arnav had all this money and she was nowhere close with what she had.
I have to talk to Arnav about this, Khushi said in her head as she looked at the furniture Rose had in mind for the media room.
Before she even saw him, she felt him, and Khushi looked up to see Arnav entering the room.
"Hello Rose," Arnav greeted.
"Arnav, pleasure to work with you again," she smiled, shaking hands with him.
Khushi glanced at Rose, curious to see if Rose was affected by Arnav and his smile, but she seemed perfectly fine.
Arnav went to Khushi's side and kissed her. "Half hour," he whispered.
Khushi smiled softly. "Thank you."
"Anything for you angel," and he kissed the palm of her hand. He faced Rose. "So, let's see what you've got."
"We're basically going through the schematics and definitely removing the bachelor look. The living room, media room, dining room, and kitchen are settled. The spare bedrooms upstairs will be neutral, and Khushi wanted to go through the master bedroom with you."
Arnav nodded. "Sure."
"So instead of the red with the white, I'm thinking of changing it to black's, white's, and gray's. With all the windows and the lighting the room receives, it'll be perfect!"
"What about the bed," Arnav asked, looking at the plans. "It needs to be big."
Khushi slightly blushed at his request.
"Of course, just like the present one."
"Make it bigger."
Khushi's eyes widened. "Bigger?"
Arnav looked at her. "Bigger," he winked.
Khushi gaped at him. "There won't be any space left in the room!"
Rose looked at the floor plan. "Hmm... I could make it bigger... it would fit," she confirmed.
"Great," Arnav said. "Postures or no?"
"I'd suggest no, so...."
At the sound of Rose's tone, Khushi looked at her and then at Arnav.
Does she know, Khushi wondered.
Arnav continued to look at the plans. "No problem. Custom-made right?"
"Perfect. I'll have it customized myself."
"Yourself," Khushi questioned.
Arnav winked at her.
What is he, up to?
They went over the rest of the plans and were soon complete.
"So I'll just make the edits, and I'll contact you," Rose said, gathering her things.
"Of course," Arnav smiled.
Everyone stood up and Rose shook hands with Arnav and Khushi. Etta came in and Arnav had her lead her out. As soon as Etta and Rose left the room, Khushi turned to Arnav.
"Does she know," she asked.
Khushi didn't have to explain because Arnav knew what she meant.
"Yes," he replied.
"Was she...?"
Arnav shook his head. "She's a dominatrix and she's interested in women."
Khushi's eyes widened and she gulped. "Oh my gosh," she breathed.
"She's a good friend of mine. We've been friends for a couple of years."
"Does she currently have a sub?"
Arnav nodded. "But she told me she's mad at her, so she's ignoring her, the poor thing," Arnav said, shaking his head.
"Rose's current sub is at home, staring longingly out the window, waiting for her Mistress to return, but even when she does, her Mistress will completely ignore her because she defied her."
"Aww... that's actually kind of sad. Would you ever do that to me?"
Arnav sighed and caressed her cheek. "Never."
Khushi smiled softly.
"Come, let's get you something to eat."
Khushi nodded, feeling her stomach grumble. They went into the kitchen and Etta prepared some paninis for the two.
"Since the penthouse will be under construction over the summer, where will you go," Khushi asked as they sat down.
"We are going away to Madrid."
I'm not, you are. "Madrid? As in Madrid, Spain?"
Arnav nodded. "Then we're going to Dubai."
"Dubai? Just for the summer? Those are some plans you got for yourself."
Arnav frowned as Etta put the paninis down. "We're both going."
"Arnav, I can't afford that," Khushi said lightly.
Arnav gaped. "You're not paying for anything!"
Khushi tilted her head. "Arnav-"
"We're going. Done."
Khushi gaped. "Arnav, I can't go anywhere, I need to find a job over the summer. I've applied to some places and-"
"Work at AR."
Khushi frowned. "Arnav, no."
"Work at AR."
"Arnav, stop."
"Work at AR."
"No, Arnav! I want to get a job on my own."
"Arnav please? I want to make it on my own."
"Then wait till after the summer. I want you with me."
Khushi sighed. "I understand, but Arnav I have to do this. This summer. I have to make a living!"
"No you don't, you're living with me."
Khushi shook her head, deciding to debate on that another time. "I want to work."
Now Khushi was annoyed. "Arnav, I want to and I will work."
"I want you here at home with me, so no."
Khushi was now very irritated. "That's it. I'm done," and she got up and left the room.
"Angel come back here," Arnav hollered, his voice not so far behind.
But Khushi was stubborn and continued to stomp away. She was almost at the stairs, when Arnav picked her off her feet and placed her over his shoulder.
"You're not going anywhere and I won't let you."
Khushi caught hold of his waist. "Arnav, relax! I was going to my room-"
"Our room!"
"No, my room!"
Arnav spanked her. "You're going away with me!"
"I can't afford it!"
"You're never paying for another thing in your life again."
"Arnav! Be reasonable!"
Arnav spanked her again.
"Hey," Khushi exclaimed, and she spanked him.
Arnav spanked her again. "Don't play around with me angel."
"I'm being serious! Now let me down!"
Khushi groaned and looked up to see where Arnav had taken them. As he walked into the gallery of his bedroom, Khushi groaned and spanked him again.
Arnav entered the bedroom and placed Khushi on the bed, straddling her waist.
"Let me go," Khushi exclaimed.
Arnav caught her wrists and pinned them above her head, causing Khushi to gasp.
"You and I are going away this summer. Together. We're going to take my private jet to Madrid, and then to Dubai. Is that understood?"
"Is that understood?"
"Yes but-"
"Good. You won't be working this summer and you will start working after we come back from our trip."
"Is that understood? "
Khushi frowned. "No, not at all."
"Then I'll have to make you understand."
Khushi scrunched her eyebrows. "Make me?"
Arnav leaned forward, moving in between her legs. "Make you," and he rolled his hips.
Khushi gasped, feeling his erection, and completely shocked by his motive.
"You are not going to fuck me into agreement," Khushi gasped.
"Then agree."
"Arnav, this is ridiculous! I will not be swayed around by your godly fucking-"
"Godly fucking?"
Khushi crimsoned. "I won't let you persuade me like that."
"And why is that?"
"Cause I'll end up agreeing!"
Arnav cocked his eyebrow.
"Don't give me that look, you know your affect on me!"
Arnav chuckled.
Khushi frowned. "Why are you so impossible?"
"Me? You're the impossible one."
"Am not!" Khushi groaned. "You're impossible! Let me go to my room, I need a nap," Khushi huffed, trying to get up.
Arnav held her down. "You're sleeping here and staying here."
"And if I don't want to?"
Arnav tilted his head. "Don't push it angel."
"I'm not pushing anything, you are!"
"Angel," he warned.
Khushi sighed, making Arnav think she had let it drop. When he let his guard down, Khushi pushed him off and tried to escape. But Arnav caught her by her wrist, and both came crashing back down.
"You're not going anywhere," Arnav huffed.
"I'm going and there's nothing you can do about it," Khushi huffed, blowing her hair out of her face.
"I'm going and there's nothing you can do about it," Khushi huffed, blowing her hair out of her face.
The two huffed away, not removing their eyes from the other. Their breaths met, and tickled and twined. A yearning grew between them and without wasting another second, their lips came crashing together. The two kissed away, tugging at each other's hair and clothes, irritated by the other's pursuit.
"Please be reasonable," Khushi said softly in between their kisses. "I want to do things on my own. It's what I'm used to. I don't want things handed over."
Arnav broke away and looked down at her pleading eyes. He caressed her face and turned them over, laying her on his chest.
"I just want to give you everything," Arnav whispered. "I would give you the world if I could."
"I know, and that's sweet of you," she said softly, clutching onto him. "But I want to do things on my own, just like I have been for the past few years."
Arnav didn't say anything, but that didn't mean that he had agreed. He wondered what it could have been that suddenly made Khushi so worried about making money, and he realized that Rose's plans must have triggered it. With the whole penthouse under construction, Khushi must have thought about the money that would be put towards the project and knowing Khushi well enough, he must've thought about the "two different worlds" they were from.
Arnav glanced down at Khushi and saw that she had fallen asleep. He slowly ran his fingers through her hair and sighed.
You're not going anywhere angel. Not after what I've got planned.